I was reading an article about Andre Kim (1935 - 2010) just now and I was curious as to how he died. After a little Googling, it turns out he died of, in short, colon cancer. Is it strange that I am fascinated by the way people die? I feel a slight sense of pity when the obituaries about famous people end with deaths along the lines of suicide, accidents or just ...diseases that could have been prevented (if they had eaten fewer McDonalds' Big Macs, for example.)
Anyway, I came across this chart (below). So cheers to New Zealand and may Andre Kim rest in peace. I'm sure the fashion world is in mourning at the moment - but you'll have to consult Emma on that.

i looked at this, and considered stopping eating meat altogether. five seconds later, i went downstairs and had pasta with a bolognese sauce for dinner..