Wednesday, 11 August 2010

From: The Neopets Team.

I'm never sure what's appropriate for this blog. However, I have come to understand one thing: If it's amusing for both me (Yes, "ME" not "I") and Emma, it ....probably should be on this blog.

So today I received quite the amusing email and I thought I would share it with you!
Emma, this is my gift to you for today - that moment of amusement that hopefully will make all the law essays and crappy computer issues worth it.

Hi Kevin,

We're sending you this email because you haven't logged in to your account in a while. Unfortunately, that means your account will be deleted on or around 2010-08-19, along with your Neopets, your items, and any other account information.

Your Username: jukuren0624
Your Neopets: JukiJuki00624

If you wish to keep your Neopets account (hooray!), all you need to do is log in to with your username and password before 2010-08-19 and your account will be safe.

If you'd like your account to be deleted (boo!), you don't need to do anything more. It will be deleted and we'll miss you dearly!

We hope to see you in Neopia soon!
The Neopets Team

FYI: awwwww which reminds me, i should collect my bank interest.


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA thank you; this has indeed brightened my day <3

    but poor JukiJuki00624. seriously. that thing's probably dying..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
